WHY KREN4 2018-01-10T12:57:35+00:00



in Kren4 we are in a constant evolution thanks to the suggestions of our clients, which allow launching new functionalities that add value to our customers at no additional cost.


everything installed in the plant is open. An additional system can be connected, even in parallel, since Kren4 does not require exclusive access to any equipment. The integration software installed in the plant can be used to provide the data to other tools.


in case it is necessary to install communication equipment, standard applications in the industry will be used, which will allow the client to have other accredited installers for future expansions. No proprietary hardware will be installed.


all communications used by Kren4 in all processes are secured: no open ports required on the router plant, sending encrypted data, accessing servers through filtered IPs, receiving files with authorized access by key exchange and high-security Amazon Web Services (AWS) CPDs.


all Kren4 works are perfectly documented and thus, the plants are permanently accessible to the customer.