INTEGRATION 2017-11-21T17:23:54+00:00


The data are automatically collected: with the software N3uron the data generated by the Scada or the equipment of the plant are collected; we download daily (or with the frequency desired by the client) the data from the meters; and we also get the electricity prices of the markets.

Invoices can be imported to validate them with the information generated in Kren4 and Accounting can be imported as well, having all the information of the company in Kren4.


Invoices can be imported to validate them with the information generated in Kren4 and Accounting can be imported as well, having all the information of the company in Kren4.

The data is automatically collected: with the software N3uron the data generated by the Scada or the equipment of the plant are collected; we download daily (or with frequency desired by the client) the data from the meters; and we also get the electricity prices of the markets.